How Baryn Futa’s Passion for Modern and Contemporary Art Shapes His Support for Innovative Artists

Art allows for self-expression for many people and is an important part of any society. Modern art is incredibly important to the modern economy and to modern consciousness. Modern art is what Baryn Futa is most interested in, but this is a broad field. Modern art includes works that have been produced ranging back to the 1860s and extending into the 1970s. Modern art is not defined by a time-line, though, but by a style and philosophy of art produced during that time-line. Modern artists, especially those that Baryn Futa is interested in, experiment with new ways of seeing and approaching art. However, it is the field of contemporary art that attracts Baryn Futa’s interest the most.

Baryn Futa likes to see new artists approach mediums in different, new, experimental ways. He is an appreciator of artists who want to explore new ways of doing things and has given his support to many artists for that very reason. Modern art trends away from the narrative that was so characteristic of the traditional arts and towards abstraction as an ideal. Most of the contemporary artists that Baryn Futa patronizes are brilliant artists who need support in order to continue making their pieces.

Time-based media, or video, is the type of art that Baryn Futa is most interested in. He has become a patron of the arts in many ways for so many different artists. Baryn Futa has been able to devote a great deal of his time, effort, and money to this cause, it is incredibly important to him. Baryn Futa didn’t always have an interest in the arts, but once he discovered it, he made it his personal mission to ensure that the arts were more well supported. Over the past few years, he has shown sincere and consistent devotion to this goal.

Baryn Futa learned a great deal about the world of art after discovering his new-found love for the field. It was his goal to educate himself thoroughly on the subject and in that regard he was successful without a doubt. Baryn Futa began taking classes, online or in person, going to art fairs, and visiting museums. He also became a member of a number of art museums and even started his own collection!